Minggu, 25 April 2010

Religion and Violence in the Fall of Suharto

Kristanto Budiprabowo (Tatok)

Looking back to the history of the fall of Suharto in the perspective of the history of religion, in my opinion, there are several situations that should be our consideration. First, at that time global political situation directs to the struggle of democratization which combines with the rise of religious criticism and ethno-nationalism. In Indonesia, this situation content with the international negotiation especially in the economical trend. Second, in the regional Asians countries, the economical crisis is the most fatal hit and seems to be the most reasonable thing that fastens social change. In Indonesia, even though government tried using every possibility to save national economical stability, but the political and social instability already uncontrolled. This situation, somehow, show the religious ambiguity. On one side, there were some religious leaders who give religious interpretation to support Suharto’s establishment. On the other side, some religious leader use religious organization as a political movement to criticize him.

Third, in the local context, influence by international and regional situation, the real national situation was exposed. Poverty, inequality between provinces, low income laborer, is some of the social reality that triggers riots in some places. Student’s protest and scholars critics to the government and also political competition among politicians whether civilian or military in background, are the daily news. And because the control from Jakarta weakened, there were also the competition among local elite. In this situation, religion is very easy manipulated as a social solidarity to do violence. The religious violence, for instance in Ambon, is an example that international, regional and local situation have a significant influence. Moreover, in my opinion, in areas which have long history interreligious competition to have political power, religious violence happens more easily.

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